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Wojsko Księstwa Warszawskiego. Artyleria, inzynierowie, saperzy
The Army of the Duchy of Warsaw. Artillery, Engineers, Sappers

Author: Ryszard Morawski, Andrzej Nieuważny
Publisher: KARABELA Warsaw 2011
ISBN: 978-83-61229-02-5
Pages: 232, 3 centrefolds, 47 colour plates, 6 black and white drawings
Format: 34 x 24 cm (9.8 x 13.6 in), hardcover
Language: Polish, illustration description and summaries in English, French and German



Our current offering is the first publication to extensively describe mounted and foot artillery, regimental artillery, corps of engineers and sappers, pontoniers, military schools, equipment trains, field forges, ammunition wagons, field supply wagons, pontoon wagons, bridges, sappers' tools, siege and fortress guns, 8-pounder and 6-pounder gun, howitzer, mortars, ammunition.

The present album includes wonderful gouaches by Ryszard Morawski, a painter of military subjects. The colour plates illustrate not only the uniforms of these formations, but also numerous artillery and sapper hardware. Black/white tables present artillery equipment construction details.

Andrzej Nieuważny, a well-known historian who specializes in the Napoleonic Era, is the author of the text. He analyzes the organization of the artillery units, showcasing important commanders and officers and describes their part in Napoleon’s campaigns between 1807 and 1815.